Massage Therapy

Massage Therapy in Fremont, Seattle

Muscles which comprise up to 50 percent of your total body weight, can become fatigued, injured, or simply achy from chronic stress and tension.

Massage helps restore your muscle and surrounding soft tissue to optimal condition, leaving you refreshed and feeling your best.

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Why massage therapy and chiropractic care together?

Chiropractic care is a form of treatment that produces a specialized focus on the neuromusculoskeletal system. The neuromusculoskeletal system is made up of the nervous system, the muscular system, and the skeletal system—all of which interact through an intricate interplay of mechanical functions.

While chiropractic care is best known for adjusting bones and joints, the efficacy of chiropractic care is highly dependent on the condition of the muscles surrounding the bones and joints that are being adjusted. For individuals with extremely tense and tight muscles, there is a chance that their muscular system will thwart the long-term benefits and effects of chiropractic care.

Severely tightened muscles can make bones and joints more difficult to adjust while also causing bones and joints to revert to their misaligned positions soon after an adjustment—think “muscle memory.” When bones and joints have been misaligned for a long period of time, the muscular system often attempts to compensate for the misalignment.

Muscular strain caused or exacerbated by misalignment can manifest as ligaments and tendons that are extremely tight, uncomfortable to the touch and difficult to loosen with limited manual therapy. Massage therapy provides an unparalleled effect on the muscles by helping to loosen tight muscles, release locked and frozen ligaments and tendons, and allow the body to adapt to changes of the bones and joints.

As opposed to relaxation massage, we utilize therapeutic techniques to help promote tissue healing, circulation, and improve muscle function. Massage can be helpful for an array of injuries and conditions including sports injuries, whiplash, low back and neck pain, headaches, and pregnancy, to name a few.

We take massage a step further by helping you not only feel better but incorporating comprehensive and integrative care plans to help you stay better! At Fremont Spine + Wellness, our unique combination of massage therapy and chiropractic care improves the longevity of every treatment to help you get the most out of your wellness care. To schedule an appointment:



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If this is an emergency, please contact our office at 206-634-1300 for immediate assistance. Thank you.

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Fremont Spine + Wellness
3514 Fremont Avenue North
Seattle, Washington 98103

Monday8 AM - 12 PM 2 PM - 6 PM
Tuesday2 PM - 6 PM
Wednesday8 AM - 12 PM 2 PM - 6 PM
Thursday8 AM - 12 PM 2 PM - 6 PM